Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A list of “I should be doings”

Call it my New Year resolution carp or whatever but there are things I should have done and things I should have been doing long before. Never mind though, better late than never ;) Here on I'mma comply myself strictly to the followings:

1.  Spend less time with my phone ~ The most beautiful thing you can gift yourself after a fall is to pick yourself up, dust off, move on! I was only moving on and duh! it almost cost me my precious eyes. I used to play Candy Crush like a maniac. Competition was what kept me going, if my friends were a level ahead of me, I had to beat them. Play whole day, whole night I don’t care, just beat them! If only I had these same spirits and passion with my studies, I could have done wonders. No kidding. Anyway after a month of passionate candy crush-ing, I realized my vision was getting poorer, I went for an eye check up only to learn my eye glasses’ power has increased tremendously, and only I am to be blamed for my carelessness.

Anyway, I did not learn anything from it. I am never going to learn, am I? :( On an average I think I use my phone 16 hours a day, the rest 8 hours I’m sleeping. I should really, really, really, R-E-A-L-L-Y stop spending so much of my time fiddling with my cell phone.

2.   Learn something Engineering ~ Engineering was never my thing, not my cup of tea, never wanted to be one. But a twist in the plot, and Ta-da! Here I am with a Bachelors in Civil Engineering and 3 years+ working experience. I do not want to defame myself but honestly I’m still not very confident with the designs and drawings I do. Too bad if anyone was planning to pay me to draw for them. I do the drawings pretty well though. Please ignore whatever I blurted out earlier. Haha.

On a serious note, I’m trying to learn, learn from the seniors, learn through everyday office works and learn from the books and internet. I feel I didn’t do enough while in the College, all I remember of college is rushing to get the latest movies, watching the soaps till dawn, crying so well throughout the Korean dramas, sleeping and being hungry all the time! I would do anything if I could go back to college and start over with the basics again. But less were we concerned about it then, all we wanted was to get through the exams and be done with college already. Kids really! Phew!

But I know I have to do justice to my degree certificate and 4 years of serious torment. I believe there are still stairways to learning, maybe I can do better with a master’s degree ;)

3.    Read more.

4.    Compared to others’ blogs, mine is a child’s play. Improve my writing skills!

5.   Be consistent with my healthy diets and exercises ~ Workout for the body I always wished for and maintain it :P I actually should be average skinny by the amount I eat, I don’t know why I’m fat, fat, fat. x-(

6.    For goodness’ sake, START SAVING ~ I should really stop buying everything I fancy and blowing up money as if I’m some millionaire. Do I still dream someday I would wake up to being a billionaire? 3 years into job, and I faint every time I check my account balance. Okay that was a little too exaggerated but I seriously need to start saving.

7.   Get more adventurous outdoor ~ I’m gonna make 2016 my year for many adventures and outdoor activities. I think I have had enough of sleeping all day or watching movies all night or doing nothing at all during the weekends or all other sorts of boring nothing-to-dos. So now, before I reach the age where I would get short of breathes after taking a few steps, I wish to go on trekkings and campings and visiting many lhakhangs and making 2016 an extra active year. Maybe I should buy a bike?

8.    Be Kind. Be a better person ~ in every aspect.

9.    Take a driving test and get a license before I get caught. Brrr!

10. Get creative, revive the old me ~ Darn! I remember being very creative when I was young. I could do a lot of things, things that amuse me now as I look back. I could sketch and paint with water colors, I could knit and crochet, I could weave plastic baskets embedding all sorts of deigns, I could make roses, hair bands, hair clips and brooches out of small pieces of clothes; I used to sew cute clothes for Barbie dolls. I guess I lost all my skills as I grew up, maybe I got so busy growing up and settling down I forgot those little pleasures that kept me engaged throughout my childhood. I shall get back with these, maybe even do an article on these DIY stuffs.

11.  I need to get braver ~ I have always been a chicken. I’m scared of almost everything. Forget watching horror movies, I can’t even go to pee on my own after hearing any creepy story. I’m scared of crossing the roads, friends say maybe I was hit by a car and got killed in my last generation. I’m also scared of opening the door to people when I’m home alone, I fear they would take out some sword from mid-air and chop chop me. This one is really lame but I jump to the other side of the lane when I see any random weird looking guy. If I smell anything like gas or fire, and for that I have a dog nose, I’m already running. I think my instincts are very sharp; I react very fast and panic very well.

But it’s also true that we don’t possibly know what we are capable of until we have to do it. Until just a month ago, I couldn’t even sleep alone in my own room, but circumstances! and I had to live alone in the whole flat for 5 days and 6 nights! First night, I chanted prayers and sang myself to sleep. The rest of the days went pretty well. I’m glad I faced it and survived.

Maybe I’m growing up a little slower than the rest but I know I’m growing, and getting bolder and braver with time. I will grow and fight my fears. Here’s to a braver year ahead!

12. Finally, on a more personal note, I need to learn not to get attached to people too soon, not be very sensitive and emotional about every little thing (but this runs in the blood, so unless I drain out all of it, I don’t think I m getting away with this).

Merry Christmas and Happy new year folks!

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